Monday, December 4, 2017

Cradle of the Restoration

Hello! Honestly this week was a bit different. Just when I think I've gotten the hang of things, BOOM something else happens that keeps me on my toes. This week I am so sad to say that my precious companion Sister Solis is flying home today. She served her little heart out the best that she could and I am SO proud of all the effort that she put in and all the things she taught me in the time we were together. She truly gave every. single. thing. she had to the Lord. Unfortunately due to some health problems she was released as a full time missionary but I know she's going to be a stellar member missionary at home! I'm honestly so honored that the Lord called me to serve with her the last 4 weeks. 

Since she was going home, our mission president set up a trip for us to go to Palmyra and attend the temple and see all of the sites. We got to see the Sacred Grove, the Book of Mormon printing press (probs my favorite site), and the Hill Cumorah. How blessed am I to live in the cradle of the Restoration?? When Elder Stevenson came to visit our mission a while back he said "How lucky are you to serve in the cradle of the Restoration, no one else can say that" (besides the Rochester mission obviously but still). One thing that was cool though is how all of the sites were incredible, and yet they didn't strengthen my testimony. I didn't need to see the Sacred Grove to know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith there, I didn't need to see the Hill Cumorah to know that Moroni buried the golden plates there, and I didn't need to see the Book of Mormon printing press to know the miracle that the Book of Mormon is or that it's true. Those are all things I've already come to know are true because of studying the scriptures and praying to know. By the power of the Holy Ghost my spirit already knew the truthfulness of those things! (But it was freaking awesome to see where everything that we teach about actually happened)

I honestly don't have much else to say, this week has been STRESSFUL haha but for this next week and a half I'll be working with the STLs in Horseheads and covering my area as well so I'm in a trio with Sister Moore and Sister Johnson for the rest of the transfer which will be so fun! We've already had a blast! 

I just want to bear my witness that I KNOW that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. That he really did see what he said he saw. He did translate the Book of Mormon by the power of God and that sacred record is TRUE. It is Gods word, i know it. I know that Jesus Christ truly did restore His church through Joseph Smith. We are not some new church, but we are the same exact church that Jesus Christ brought to the earth 2,000 years ago. Any honest seeker of truth can come to know these things for themselves through reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if it's true. I know these things are true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Sister Rodriguez

Funny story:
We taught this lady the Restoration and Sister Solis was like "That's a pretty bold claim to make, to say someone saw God the Father and Jesus Christ" and the lady goes "Yeah, it's a little ballsy" HAHAHA I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING IT WAS BAD 

(i have tons) 
1/2. Saying goodbye to my precious green bean. LOVE YOU SISTER SOLIS. 

3. Palmyra temple

4. Hill Cumorah visitors center

5. Book of Mormon printing press

6. I've dreamed of reading Joseph Smith History in the Sacred Grove for forever and I finally got to do it!!! SO much power in his words. 

More pictures

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