Monday, November 20, 2017

Dreaming of a WHITE Christmas

... White as in white baptismal clothing!!! We're working so hard to help the people in this part of the Lord's vineyard enter the waters of baptism. It WILL happen! There are so many things happenin here we're so excited. 
You know you're in New York when you have an entire Zone Conference focused entirely on how to survive the winter months here hahaha! Good thing I only have a few weeks of it cause it's already getting really cold, which is no Bueno! 

At Zone Conference we talked about a cool concept of being "I will" vs "I hope" missionaries. That night, Sister Solis went out with the goal of saying "We will find 3 new investigators tonight" (it was Friday and we hadn't picked up any new investigators for the week yet) and guess what? IT WORKED. We picked up three new investigators, God led us straight to them, it was incredible. 

This week was just full of miracles though! Yesterday a member of our branch told us he'd love to come out teaching with us and to call him if we have any investigators that speak Chinese. Well what happened that SAME night? We picked up a new investigator that speaks Chinese and said we could come share more with him! God is so good. He really does have a plan and truly is in control.

Another highlight of the week is that we got to teach Singing Time in primary! Wow I forget how much I love being around kids! I almost cried a couple of times because the Spirit was so strong when they sang the songs and answered questions. I was amazed at their knowledge of the gospel! Huge tender mercy. 

Ashley!!!! A Less Active, Autumn, referred us to her friend Ashley who we are now teaching!! We are so excited about her. We went back to see her and the daughter who is 7 was so excited to read from the Book of Mormon! She was showing us the Restoration pamphlet that we had left with them and the pages were almost falling apart because it had been flipped through so many times. She went to the depiction of the First Vision and goes "This is my favorite picture". Ashley also accepted a soft invitation to be baptized!! So we're hoping to put her on date soon. 

Sister Rodriguez

Funny story for the week... we accidentally drove to Pennsylvania one day this week hahaha OOPS. 

We made "i'm grateful for" posters with the Torrences. The last one on Will's poster, next to the fire emoji, says "Church is lit" ... so true Will, So true. 


We went to the Rockwell museum earlier today and it was really cool! Here's a pic of one of my favorite pieces. 

Also here's a pic of me Calvert and Hansen posing like Spiderman👐

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