The subject line is a quote from an elder in the mission that he said in MLC. We were talking about having faith that not only can God perform miracles, but that He can perform miracles through US. A lot of times we believe that good things will happen, but only to other people. That's not true! God is constantly sending us blessings and miracles. This Elder said how he was thinking "This miracle will happen but only if it's God's will... but then I thought, 'why the HECK would it not be God's will?'" Haha I loved that! It's so true. This week Sister DeGolyer and I have been saying that as we pray for miracles and have the faith to find, teach, and baptize! Good things are happening in the Saratoga Springs area! So blessed.
Wednesday and Thursday we had exchange with the Greenwich sisters so I got to see my MTC comp Sister Hall! I love her! It was really fun. Then about 2 hours after they left we packed up and headed to Albany to meet with those elders and sisters and all drove to Utica for MLC! I love that drive, it is seriously so beautiful. I live in the most gorgeous state! Ahh!
Friday night we saw one of my favorite investigators, Monise. She's 20 and the sweetest thing. She's on date to be baptized this month but her boss won't let her get Sundays off so she hasn't been to church yet. She's starting school soon so her schedule is changing so she gets 2 or 3 days off a week now. Yesterday we fasted with her that her boss' heart would soften and she would be able to get Sundays off for church! So we're praying and we'll see what happens with that.
Saturday night we went to Broadway to OYM and there were SOOOOO many people there. It was a really cool 'band night' where all these different local bands came and played on the street. It was poppin. But it was really cool that out of all the people there, God led us to those we needed to talk to (case and point: we met a guy who is a Less Active member, what are the odds?).
Also, our mission is doing another "Flood the Earth with the Book of Mormon" run this year. Our goal is to place 21 copies of the Book of Mormon everyday (either a card or the actual book, but it has to be 'properly placed' meaning we read them a verse from the Book, commit them to read a specific chapter, and they promise to download/read it) well this last week we placed 23 copies!!! WHOOO!!! Seriously felt so accomplished.
Well that's about it! Hope y'all have a good week and make sure to help us out and share a copy of the Book of Mormon with a friend, a coworker, a neighbor, or all your friends over social media. There are so many ways to share the Book of Mormon... JUST DO IT.
Sister Rodriguez
1. At MLC, Elder Lee filled the New Hartford sisters car with balloons :)
2. The Albany sisters (Folkman and Redd) gave us a HUGE bag full of Trader Joe's food since we don't have one in our area, they even included some Green Dragon Hot Sauce

3. Takin the sisters to try some of Saratoga's famous springs!
4. Sister Halls face after she tried the Spring
(some are definitely better than others)
6. Lesson learned: when you're super short, don't stand next to Folkman and DeGolyer 

I got really excited when I saw McDonalds then I realized it wasn't for the fast food place, but still had to take a pic with it. haha
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