This week was so great though because I FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON IN MY GOAL OF 28 DAYS!!!!!! I fell way behind the week of transfers so the last two weeks all I've been doing is reading and reading and more reading. It was an incredible experience to read it that fast. I feel like the stories were really able to come to life and I gained greater knowledge and understanding of it as I got so much information at once. I think I mentioned, but I marked with a highlighter every time it mentioned Christ or something to do with Him. Needless to say, I ended up going through 4 whole highlighters because (in case you haven't noticed) the entire Book truly testifies of Him. I LOVE the Book of Mormon and I'm so grateful that we are able to read it anytime we want. It truly is a gift from our Father in Heaven!
The past little bit we've been doing a lot of tracting in Arlington and a few days ago, our Branch President texted us and told us (for reasons I can't say because I don't want to freak my mom out) that we're not allowed to tract anymore. In Arlington, Manchester, or Dorset (our three main areas that we work in) because it was 'freaking people out'. We were CRUSHED. We were so discouraged. Here we are trying to do the Lords work but no one is progressing (we have 2 progressing investigators that aren't even super solid), it is the BIGGEST struggle to get return appointments, a lot of our nights we would tract for at least an hour and now that was being taken away from us. How are we supposed to build up our teaching pool if we can't tract?!?! We seriously have like NO ONE to teach. We have been working so hard to build up our teaching pool and we've seen so many miracles come from tracting! So we ended up calling President Rogers and talking to him about it. A while ago in Manchester, people complained about us tracting (this has been going on since my trainer served here which was last April soooo yeah, the people don't really like missionaries here) and they got the police involved and told us that we couldn't tract. This was a few weeks ago before I got here but Sister Folkman told me that she did some research and talked to the police and they ended up telling her that she was right, we are legally protected and allowed to tract because of the First Amendment. So we called President Rogers and told him what President Finnegan said. P Rogers told us that we are fine to tract in Manchester and the other areas but to stay away from Arlington right now. So we felt a lot better about that. We're still able to tract and find people and we've gotten so much potential from that!
That's the key. There's SO much potential in Manchester! We have so much faith that this area could have baptisms it's just not solid yet. There are so many people that have so much potential, but they're not solid yet. We got a few calls from our leaders (president Finnegan, president Rogers, and our District Leader) telling us that we can start working in other areas that have more investigators so we can work there. A few hours ago, Sister Folkman and I decided to pray about it. We got down on our knees in front of the map of our area and we prayed. Very sincerely. I don't think I have ever prayed with so much faith, so much need for an answer. We prayed to know if we should stay here in our area or start working in the surrounding areas. We know that Heavenly Fathers knows His children and knows what this area needs so we asked Him. After we closed the prayer, Sister Folkman said "I know this is cheesy. But while you were praying, I heard the voices from Horton Hears A Who, saying 'we are here. we are here' We need to stay in Manchester. There are people here that are prepared" WOW. Isn't that powerful? I truly know that was an answer to our prayer. We have been working so much on having faith. This area is really hard but it is so amazing. There is seriously soooo much potential here and we are just doing everything we can to build it up!
It's been kinda frustrating because we have been so obedient and so diligent sometimes it seems like there's nothing else we can do. But this week we had a mission broadcast (our daily schedule is changing!!!! it's so weird!!!!!) and Elder Bednar said something that has really stuck with me this week. He said how success is GIVEN. Alma 26:27 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will GIVE unto you success."
Everything is GIVEN. We can't demand baptisms or progressing investigators just because we're working hard. Even when we do everything we can, the Lord is still the one that GIVES it to us. He doesn't owe us anything, we can't demand anything from Him. It's His work. He knows what's best. If He wants us to have baptisms or progressing investigators, then He will GIVE it to us. That has brought me so much peace and comfort this week.
This morning I was reading through some of my quotes in my journal and I came across this one, it says "He could do His own work, but He lets us do it so we can become like Him." I absolutely agree. I don't mean to sounds like I'm throwing myself a pity party or anything because I'm not! I really enjoy serving in Manchester, it's a challenge but that's how we grow! I feel like the Lord has been preparing me for this. I knew I was going to get an area that would be difficult and it's here. The Lord has been preparing me for this. He has picked me and Sister Folkman to serve here together at this time because He knows it will be exactly what we need. I'm so so so grateful that the mission has helped me become more like my Savior. I'm so grateful for Him allowing someone as imperfect as I am to help participate in His perfect work. The love and mercy He shows us all is truly amazing. I can't even describe the closeness I have felt to my Savior this week.
I have one last story I want to share. My testimony of the Sacrament. Our branch is about 30 minutes away from Manchester so we normally get a ride from some members, we had to go pick up a Less Active and bring him to church and none of us had been to his apartment before so we ended up getting lost and being late for church. We got there when the water was being passed. Elder Molanson brought it out and we had to watch as we passed by us and brought it back inside. My heart felt broken that I wasn't able to partake of the Sacrament. I felt so powerless and empty inside. I sat through the whole meeting just thinking of how it would feel to not be able to partake of the Sacrament each week. I would have to wait a whole week more before I got to partake of it again. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, we were late to church because we were bringing someone else, that was a good thing! But I just felt so awful. After the sacrament, Eric Vaughn came up to us and said "Sisters! Do you want the Sacrament?" YES WE WANT THE SACRAMENT! We jumped at the chance and ran over to the room where they prepared it and we were able to partake of it. I have never noticed how much power or strength comes from taking the Sacrament. As soon as I picked up a piece of bread, I felt overwhelming peace and power from the Savior. We are so lucky that God allows us to make and renew covenants with Him. He doesn't need us to do that, but we need to do it.
Needless to say, this week my faith and testimony has been strengthened SO much. I love this work, I love my Savior, I love being His servant, I love Manchester, and I love having a Heavenly Father who answers prayers. And I love all of my friends and family back home!! Have a good week, I love you all!
Sister Rodriguez
Just one quick funny quote from the week:
*In the middle of Sister Folkman saying a prayer*
Ram (a former we were trying): "Tell Him to help me gain weight!"
1. Hey mom and Carleigh look: I made my own Jolly Holliday this week 
2. no comment
I'll probably steal Sister Folkmans camera and send some more pictures in a separate email.. we're just really bad at taking pictures, sorry mom
my beautiful companion
We met this lady and she gave us 2 dozen farm fresh eggs and then let us hold her chickens!! I loved it.
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