Monday, September 25, 2017

Goodbye Toga, Hello Painted Post

Hello from Painted Post! Kinda weird, but apparently Native Americans used to hang peoples heads on a post to mark territory and the blood would drip down to make it red and that's why it's called Painted Post!!! Wow my life is so cool!!! :) haha but for reals it's kinda funny.

So my new companion is Sister Jenkins and she is the cutest ever. We get along great and she's awesome! I'm definitely learning a lot from her! I always overcomplicate things and I need to remember to go back to the basics. I've been focusing a lot on bearing testimony of what we teach to everyone. It's something time and time I forget to do. But this last little bit as I've done that I've noticed it brings the Spirit so much stronger than anything else. It really helps build my faith and testimony too! 

Cool miracle this week: We planned and were about to start our studies, and after Sister Jenkins said her personal prayer she got up and said we needed to try a family that morning after we did service. So we did, and we caught them home! The mom let us in and we sat in the backyard and taught her and her 17 year old son the Restoration! They were AMAZED that we have a living prophet on the earth!!! They actually understood what that meant! Cause most people don't, so it was cool for them to understand what we were saying. We also shared Moroni 10:4-5 with the son and he was like "that is so cool" and the whole time he just kept saying how much he loved that scripture. He said he had a lot of respect for us and knew this message meant a lot to us in order for us to leave our lives for 18 months. He said he's been struggling to know who/what God is and everything, so Moroni's promise was perfect for him. We invited him to read Alma 22 and then pray and ask God if what we shared is true, it's so cool because we both added our testimonies that if he did ask in faith, by the power of the Holy Ghost, he could receive his own answer! And that promise goes for everyone, I love how God wants each of us to have our own personal testimony and relationship with him. 

This week has really just been me settling in and meeting everyone! There are a lot of cool people to see so I'm really excited! The sisters recently baptized a family here so we've seen them a lot and they are so cute! 4 boys and a girl, who are just so fun! We also had a devotional in Elmira this week so that was fun, and we've done a lot of service! That is one of my favorite parts about missionary work. There are a lot of places for us to help out in the community so I love it! We were also able to watch the Womens session of General Conference which was SO GOOD! We are so blessed to have leaders that love and care for us so much and really want each of us to come closer to Christ, which is what this life is all about! 

I hope y'all have a blessed week!

Sister Rodriguez

P.S. we were at dinner last night and the kids had this conversation:
"what's a seizure?"
"It's where you swear in church" 
HAHAHAHAHA earlier the parents were talking about someone that had a seizure in church and swore while he was seizing and that was their interpretation of it😂

1. favs

2. more favs

3. Sis Jenkins!

4. Painted Post!

5. Corning is known for their glass, and so this is a guy glass blowing but he def looks like angel Moroni lol


Monday, September 18, 2017

Ups and Downs

I'll start with transfer news: I'm going to Corning NY!! It's also called Painted Post and my new address is 

100 Creekside Dr #104D 
Painted Post, NY 14870

just in case anyone wants to send me some mail or anything😉

My new companion is going to be Sister Jenkins! I've never met her before but I'm super excited to work with her, I've heard good things! Also kinda funny, Manchester VT is the farthest EAST that you can get, well Corning is literally the farthest WEST that you can get. So I'm going from one side, to the other! But I'm super excited. I've also heard it's a tiny branch and a small town, so back to what I'm used to, being in upstate NY! Haha it's weird to think I only have 3 transfers left and that could be my last area! But I'm breaking the trend and I'm officially not a 6 month sister anymore! 

So this week was honestly one of the hardest ones on the mission. Wednesday I had a really hard day because the Manchester sisters got moved to Hoosick Falls, NY. So now there aren't any missionaries in Manchester. I don't know why but that was really hard for me to hear just thinking about how hard I worked there for 6 months and now it's closed. But I definitely know that everything happens for a reason. And I know that the Book of Mormon can bring us peace and ANSWERS! I had a cool experience where I was reading in Jacob 5 (can  you believe THAT'S the chapter I got my answer in haha) I read v. 47-48

"But what could I have done more in my vineyard? Have I slackened mine hand, that I have not nourished it? Nay, I have nourished it, and I have digged about it, and I have pruned it, and I have dunged it; and I have stretched forth mine hand almost all the day long, and the end draweth nigh. And it grieveth me that I should hew down all the trees of my vineyard, and cast them into the fire that they should be burned. Who is it that has corrupted my vineyard? And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: Is it not the loftiness of thy vineyard-have not the branches thereof overcome the roots which are good?"

And it goes on, but I love how I was doubting and asked what more could I have done in Manchester? That was my answer, that we WORKED. Manchester was by far my hardest area. Every night we went out night after night even when we had no plans. We would tract and OYM all night. It was really hard, but this scripture showed me that's what we did. It wasn't our fault, it was the pride of the people there (and that's the truth lol). On Thursday we actually went to Hoosick Falls to blitz the sisters since they're basically opening the area. I got to work with Sister M. Hall (my bffffffff) and we talked about how we knew we were meant to be in Manchester at that time, but it's definitely inspired that the sisters are in Hoosick now. It's God's will and it's going to be done! 
A way cool experience we had this week was when I was in Hoosick with Sister Morley. We had a lesson with this guy John who we actually met in Saratoga together on exchange! He told us when he went to Toga he was praying that he would meet someone meaningful. We talked a lot about prayer which is super cool because the approach I used to talk to him when we first met, was asking when the last time he prayed was! So it was super cool that God put that approach in my head and I had no idea he had been praying or had a huge connection to prayer! God is so good. 

Also Friday was one of the worst days by far. THREE of our investigators that we were so excited about, decided to drop up us. Flat on our butts. Hard core. It was awful. That whole day was basically the worst so I'm glad that it's over! DG and I were talking about how if it didn't hurt, we'd be doing something wrong. The bad days really help us appreciate the good ones. That night we got in, did our accounting prayer, and DG looked at me and goes "It was a long hard day. And we're going to do it all over again tomorrow, you ready?" I smiled and said "YES" because as hard as this work is, it is the greatest thing I have ever done. I will gladly take people slamming doors in our face, tracting and OYMing all day and night, investigators dropping us, plans falling through, and hard days if it means we're one step closer to finding the elect. This IS the Lord's work and I am so lucky to have a nametag and be apart of it. As hard as it is, I'll do it all day, day in and day out. It's the greatest work ever done and I love it. 

One of the ups this week was that we got priesthood blessings from the elders! I always feel so much peace and comfort from those and it said exactly what I needed to hear. I know that the Priesthood power is so real and that God lives and knows us each so personally. We taught the Plan of Salvation last night to a couple who are in their 50's and I couldn't stop smiling! I really felt like Jacob in 2 Nephi 9 where he just can't stop praising God for this AMAZING plan that He's created for us! I know we have trials and hard times for a reason, they make us so much more reliant on the Savior. I hope y'all have a good week!! 😘

Sister Rodriguez

We OYM'd this guy and he started walking with us so we're in the middle of the Restoration when this guy comes out of the bar and starts following us and these guys just start yelling at each other about the guys dad and the other guys mistress and they're going to tell on each other and I literally thought we were gonna witness a fight right then and there but we ended up just walking away cause it was gettin too heated for us hahah but it was hilarious. 😂

1/2. District pics (we copied the painting in the back... it's only a little apostate) 

3. Mama D💕

4. VERMONT ST in toga!

5. terrible quality, but when we went to Hoosick, we got to go have dinner at Brother Behunins and Sister Kelly came!!! 2 of my favorite members of the Bennington branch💖

more pics! Some of my fav families/people

Monday, September 11, 2017

Chinese phone

I honestly can't remember too much of what happened this week!

One of my favorite parts about teaching is when the student just GETS it! When there's a concept they're having a hard time with so you both work together and you see the light in their eyes when they make a connection and they really understand. This week we were on exchange teaching an investigator the Plan of Salvation and it was just not making sense to her. We backed up a couple points and she pointed to the Spirit World and made some connections and truly GOT it! She was like "Ohhhh! That makes so much sense!" it was awesome. Later that night we met with a potential named Chandler. She's someone Sister Park and I had OYM'd in the elders area after a meal appointment. We got her number and had been in contact and she told us she just moved to Saratoga and is all settled in! So we met with her and taught her the Restoration. I am so so excited about her. She's in her early 20's and just so sweet. After the lesson she was like "I remember the day we met it was so grey and dark and rainy and I was just having the worst day and you two came up and talked to me and right when you did, the clouds parted and the sun came out and shined right on you two and it was like basically God sending me two angels!" Ahhh it was so cool! I KNOW God puts people in our path for a specific reason. She is really excited to come to church and learn more!

On Thursday afternoon we went to the Mabes house and did some service, a while back a tree fell on their house so they're now redoing the siding on it and they had us help hahahaha it was the weirdest service, but still fun! 

Later that day we had interviews with President Rogers and he said Sis DG and I are most likely getting split up! I'll probs be leaving but I'm not sure where I'll be going! It's happy/sad. I love this area so so much but change is always good. So we'll see what happens! One thing that the mission has helped me with is to have faith and trust in my leaders. I pray every transfer that whatever God's will is for me, He'll make it known to and inspire my leaders. It's definitely helped me see God is aware of me and my leaders are divinely inspired. 

Some other highlights of the week: We had 3 investigators at church! Whoo! (we've really had a hard time with that this transfer) we picked up 7 new AWESOME investigators, and we placed (properly) 23 copies of the Book of Mormon! God is good and this IS His work!!

One last story, on Saturday night we had like noooo plans. Our whole night was open and it was a little rough. It was really dark and no one was really receptive to us when we were tracting. We had a few people in mind that we wanted to try and all night I was just praying for a miracle or a tender mercy to happen. I was also definitely complaining in my head bc that night I did not want to be out walking around in the cold, I'll admit it. But we went to this guys house, he's a former that we had briefly met before that said we could come back. So Saturday night we tried him and his wife let us in! We sat with him and his wife and their daughter and taught them an incredible Restoration lesson! I felt the Spirit so so so strong and we know they did too. Their other daughter is currently living in Hawaii married to a Mormon and her kids are being raised Mormon! We definitely know they're going to get baptized eventually, we'll just see about when. They're Catholic so have a hard time with the great apostasy and Joseph Smith. They asked us some different questions on proof or evidence and we were like "BOOM. THE BOOK OF MORMON" and told them how that really is the evidence that we can hold in our hands and study out for ourselves to know if this message is true. It's something I've done and I can absolutely say that I know Jesus is the Christ, He did restore His church through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon is true. But of course this is something we can each learn for ourselves! If you haven't read from the BoM today, go do it! I 

love it! 

Sister Rodriguez

P.S. we met this guy and he told us he hasn't had good experiences with Mormons and we asked why and he said "I went to the BYU campus and someone told me I was the whore of all the earth" and DG just laughed!! Hahahaha it was so awkward and yet so funny. 

Also randomly this week our phone turned the language to Chinese!!!! So we couldn't understand anything!!! We texted the elders for help but they said it came up in Chinese hahahhaa so they had to call and walk us through how to change it back to English ahhaha it was so so so funny😂

1. Gloria left for Mississippi this week. I'm going to miss her and Orion so so much! They are the sweetest and she has the most pure testimony. It's kind of cool because we both got to Saratoga around the same time and are leaving around the same time (possibly) so it definitely built my testimony that God put us together here at this time for a divine reason.

2. We helped the Springs move, so they gave us money for the best Chinese food in town😋

3. A couple weeks back Sister Folkman was drawing a fish so I made a fish face, which she drew into this incredible picture!! Isn't she so talented?? 

4. Brother Norton is the best Ward Mission Leader. Hands down.

Monday, September 4, 2017

"Why the HECK would it not be God's will?"

Friends and family!! I miss and love you all so much! This was another great week, it went by super fast so I honestly can't remember much of what happened. 

The subject line is a quote from an elder in the mission that he said in MLC. We were talking about having faith that not only can God perform miracles, but that He can perform miracles through US. A lot of times we believe that good things will happen, but only to other people. That's not true! God is constantly sending us blessings and miracles. This Elder said how he was thinking "This miracle will happen but only if it's God's will... but then I thought, 'why the HECK would it not be God's will?'" Haha I loved that! It's so true. This week Sister DeGolyer and I have been saying that as we pray for miracles and have the faith to find, teach, and baptize! Good things are happening in the Saratoga Springs area! So blessed.
Wednesday and Thursday we had exchange with the Greenwich sisters so I got to see my MTC comp Sister Hall! I love her! It was really fun. Then about 2 hours after they left we packed up and headed to Albany to meet with those elders and sisters and all drove to Utica for MLC! I love that drive, it is seriously so beautiful. I live in the most gorgeous state! Ahh!
Friday night we saw one of my favorite investigators, Monise. She's 20 and the sweetest thing. She's on date to be baptized this month but her boss won't let her get Sundays off so she hasn't been to church yet. She's starting school soon so her schedule is changing so she gets 2 or 3 days off a week now. Yesterday we fasted with her that her boss' heart would soften and she would be able to get Sundays off for church! So we're praying and we'll see what happens with that.

Saturday night we went to Broadway to OYM and there were SOOOOO many people there. It was a really cool 'band night' where all these different local bands came and played on the street. It was poppin. But it was really cool that out of all the people there, God led us to those we needed to talk to (case and point: we met a guy who is a Less Active member, what are the odds?).
Also, our mission is doing another "Flood the Earth with the Book of Mormon" run this year. Our goal is to place 21 copies of the Book of Mormon everyday (either a card or the actual book, but it has to be 'properly placed' meaning we read them a verse from the Book, commit them to read a specific chapter, and they promise to download/read it) well this last week we placed 23 copies!!! WHOOO!!! Seriously felt so accomplished. 

Well that's about it! Hope y'all have a good week and make sure to help us out and share a copy of the Book of Mormon with a friend, a coworker, a neighbor, or all your friends over social media. There are so many ways to share the Book of Mormon... JUST DO IT.
Sister Rodriguez


1. At MLC, Elder Lee filled the New Hartford sisters car with balloons :) 

2. The Albany sisters (Folkman and Redd) gave us a HUGE bag full of Trader Joe's food since we don't have one in our area, they even included some Green Dragon Hot Sauce😍💖

3. Takin the sisters to try some of Saratoga's famous springs!

4. Sister Halls face after she tried the Spring 😂 (some are definitely better than others)


6. Lesson learned: when you're super short, don't stand next to Folkman and DeGolyer 😂💕

I got really excited when I saw McDonalds then I realized it wasn't for the fast food place, but still had to take a pic with it. haha