Monday, August 22, 2016

Captain Hook was a hooker

Yesterday I had the best dinner appointment ever! It was with Alisha and Cory Duclose and their three daughters. We had dinner with them a while ago and Alisha said she was going to Salt Lake City (she's from Layton and he's from Pleasant Grove) and asked if she could bring me back anything and I said "my mom!" haha so later in the week, I saw Cory and asked how Alisha was liking Utah cause she went to visit family and he said she liked it and again asked if she could bring me anything, so i jokingly said "Chick-Fil-A sauce!" So we show up to their house last night for dinner and SHE BROUGHT ME CHICK FIL A SAUCE!! AND for dinner they homemade Chick-Fil-A nuggets, sauce, and fries!!! It was AWESOME!!! They even gave us left-overs to take home. It made me feel so special! I seriously feel like I'm home when I'm there cause we can talk about Salt Lake and Cory and the girls LOVE RSL so we talk about that a lot which I LOVE! Ahh it was great. 

But anyways, during dinner we were talking about rugby and how there's a position called "hooker" and Cory was saying to one of his daughters "hooker means something else than just a position in rugby.. it's someone... that umm.. has a hook for a hand and... hooks people with it... like captain hook was a hooker!" HAHAHAHAH i was dying I was laughing so hard! I just love the members of our branch! We're so small but it's great because we're truly family. I feel so loved here!

This week was so great! I truly love Hamilton, can i just say how much I LOVE MY MISSION!?!!!!! It is an amazing thing. I read a talk this week by Elder Holland called "The Miracle of a Mission" I've read it like 3 times now and I cry everytime because it's SO POWERFUL! He talks about how a mission is the most important thing you could do in your life at this time and it seriously felt like he was talking right to me. I could hear the power in his voice and i was only READING the talk. I would encourage all of you (if you're an RM, preparing to go, not sure if you should go, if you're currently a missionary, ALL OF YOU) to go read this talk! It is incredible!!! 

Well I'm sure you've all seen pictures and videos of me on facebook from our investigator Micheal! He really wants to be baptized so hopefully we can help him with that. I truly love the gang. They treat me like family and I couldn't love a family more. They are so funny and so kind to us! Even the parts that aren't members! They are the coolest people I've ever met and Lacey (our 13 year old investigator) started crying when she thought about us leaving Hamilton, she is the sweetest! We have so much fun with her, I can't wait to see her get baptized!

So this week we had Zone Training Meeting with workshops and interviews and it was great! President Rogers is an amazing man. He's truly called of God. I've been studying lately about how certain callings were foreordained in Heaven, I know he was foreordained for this calling and I was absolutely called to be one of his missionaries. He's an incredible guy and he cares SO MUCH! My first week here I wrote to him about how I was a little homesick and either that night or the next night he called to check up on me! He's just so thoughtful and kind, I know I'm in good hands! ZTM was so spiritually uplifting. I love our zone and Sister Shulz is in my zone so that was an awesome surprise!! While we were there we sang our mission song "We'll Bring the World His Truth" and we changed the words a little so instead of:

We are as the army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we will be the Lord's missionaries
To bring the world his truth.

we sang:
 We are as the army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we ARE NOW the Lord's missionaries
To bring NEW YORK his truth.

And we had a few other changes but those were the coolest changes. I am one of the Lord's misisonaries called to bring NEW YORK His truth!!! SOO COOL! 

Holy cow my companion and I have been teaching so much this week! We are sooo busy!! I'm exhausted all the time but I guess that's just part of being a missionary! I LOVE IT! I love being busy! I love bringing New York His truth!!! 

Funny Story of the week:
In ZTM someone was bearing his testimony and he was quoting 1 Nephi 3:7 and he was like "JUST DO IT" and whips out his name tag and on the bag he had drawn this huge Nike symbol hahaha I was crackin up. We don't get too much solid humor so I take what I can get. But it was funny!

1 -2: I was Chick-Fil-A Sauce happy haha

3. Hamilton sun sets are the best sunsets
4. My faves Sister Reijntes and Sister Shulz at ZTM
5. CARLEIGH MADE ME THE CUTEST DISNEYLAND FRAME and sent it in my moms package, totally made my week!
6. When you get a warning that you're car is going to get towed for parking at church (the curse of not having your own church building and having to park somewhere else)

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